Support for

Main Website

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Frenquently Asked Questions

Common Subjects:

  • How can I reach my CMS?

    In your browser address-bar, after your subdomain-url, type: /cms
    Then, login with login-credentials you made when you started your domain.

  • Will there be spam via my Contact-Form?

    Almost not. To prevent spam you need to secure your contact-form. With ReCPTCHA (Google) you can secure this:
    1. Log in with your Google-account.
    2. Choose: reCAPTCHA type: v2 Invisible
    3. Add this domain (use your own subdomain-name): and/or domainname (+).
    4. Open your CMS in another browser tab/window and go to Forms / contact  and then the button Form Settings
    5. Copy and paste the Site Key and Secret Key to the Form Settings in your CMS and save this page.
  • NOTE: Visitors have to pass the ReCPTCHA-test before they can submit the form.

  • Can I remove content that's already on my site?

    - Yes, go to Pages or Layouts in your CMS and choose a page or layout.
    - Search for the Row or Column you don't need.
    - Click on the pencil-icon before row or column.
    - In the popup, click Remove Row / Column

  • How can I place a YouTube video in my text?

    1. Click on Codeview-button (<\>) in the text-editor
    2. Paste the YoutTube-sharecode in the existing code
    3. Change the standard 'witdh’ from the YT-iframe-code to 100%.
    4. Click again on Codeview-button to leave the codeview
    5. Save the page.


How long can I use my website for free?

For 30 days. After that we delete your website and all content automatically. Unless you ask us to Upgrade your trial to a official monthly paid (sub)Domain.

What are the costs?

Free TRIAL (first 30 days)
(full website/webshop access)
Website Pro
(incl 10GB traffic/mth & 1 Domainname + e-mail)
€ 19,- / month incl. 21% VAT/BTW
excl. 21% = € 15,70
Webshop Pro
(incl. 15GB traffic/mth & 1 Domainname + e-mail)
€ 37,- / month incl. 21% VAT/BTW
excl. 21% = € 30,58
Extra Domainname
(incl. ssl-security)
€   3,- / month
incl. 21% VAT/BTW
excl. 21% = € 2,48
Extra Traffic 15GB
€ 15,- / month
incl. 21% VAT/BTW
excl. 21% = € 12,40

How I will end my domain and stop the monthly payment?

Send a request to delete your domain and terminate payed services. We will end your domain within 7 days and stop sending invoices per next month.
NOTE: we are not responsible for loss of data after ending of our service. After deleting your domain, your data is gone, in accordance with the privacy-law. Provide your own copy of all the data on your website!

What is fair use policy?

Every website gets a different amount of traffic. Some uses less, some uses more. Mostly they keep each other balanced. If a domain uses more than 10-15GB traffic a month (yes! your website generates a lot of visitors!), we look if it's an incident for one month. If it is, we don't charge this. If it stays in overuse more than one month, we charge you extra Traffic usage after we contacted you, about this.

Domain subjects:

Can I use my own domainname and e-mail address?

Yes, you can order the 'Domainname + E-mail Secure' upgrade to connect a domainname and email-address.

Is my site secure?

Yes, your (sub)Domain is protected with a standard SSL-certificate (https). Besides that, you are responsible to choose a safe password yourself for the CMS-login. In the back end the website is hosted bij a ISO-certificated hosting company. If you connect your own Domainname + E-mail Secure, you get your own SSL-certficate. All e-mail on this domain is then protected by our spamfilter.

What do you do with the data on my domain?

We DO NOT provide your data to others. Although, you can make use of Google Analytics, within the Terms of Service provided by Google Inc. After deleting your website, because of end of services, we do not store your deleted data in accordance to the privacy law.

Do you keep a backup of my website data?

We only provide a system-backup in case of site-wide problems. We DO NOT provide specific subdomain-backups. So you need to make your own backup of your content.

How long does it take to pull my upgrade-requests or adding services to my existing domain?

We try to handle this the same day, but we can not always guarantee that. If you ordered an own Domainname, we need a maximum of 3 work days to arrange this. With deleting domains/services we build in some safe decision time. Mostly a couple of days.

Design & Layout

My logo is to big or to small. What can I do?

First of all, you can resize your logo yourself with this free online tool. In the beginning you have to try a little bit to get the best size.
Secondly, in the provided Layout Template, you can play with the Bootstrap col-class, from the column your logo is placed in. For instance, if your logo is in a col-2 and it's to big, you change it in col-1. Your logo will be smaller, then.

How the Bootstrap Grid works?

Learn Bootstrap Grid yourself become a professional web-designer!

For example:

If you need 3 columns on tablet and desktop like this:

And one on mobile devices like this:

Then you put the following in your CMS pages layout:

The 'sm' in this Bootstrap-class stands for: from small devices and higher.
This example means: Get almost in full width on small devices (mobile phones). If wider, be 4 wide. In total you have 3 cols of 4 = 12 cols on wider screens, then.

Besides 'sm', you can use 'md' (tablet and higher) and 'lg' or 'lx' (laptop or desktop and higher). So, for every screen-size you can decide how many cols can be near each other.

See also the column examples in your own CMS (/layout-examples).

Besides Bootstrap-classes, you can use the following handy classes to style your layout:

hide date in articles/news
hide readmore-button in articles/news
hide all labels in a form
hide all lead-text put in media-modules
hide next-previous-buttons in slideshow
hide gradient overlay effect on articles
makes horizontal tabs vertical
makes horizontal navbar vertical
draws blocks around menu-links
makes horizontal navbar with submenu's in columns
show article/news/collection cards in equal height (ordered from left to right)
show article/news/collection cards in masonry puzzle (ordered from top to down)
count-1 (till 4)
put article/news/collection cards in less or more columns (ordered top-down)

make background color-1
make background color-2
make background in background-color
make background white
make background light
make transparent background
make gradient transparent background color-1 & color-2
make gradient background transparent  & color-1
make gradient background transparent  & color-2
make gradient background transparent  & color-background
color-1 cover on an image
color-2 cover on an image
gradient from color-1 to color-2
opague black cover on image
opague white cover on image

put text and elements in color-1
put text and elements in color-2
put text and elements in color-background
put text and elements in white
put text and elements in dark
make text a Call-to-Action on images (put image and text in same row)
give jumbotron a colored background

opacity-0 (-5)
makes opacity in steps from 0 (transparent) till 5 (filled)
show images in grayscale
put shadow on cards
make Rows / Columns a little fade on scroll
fixed height for swiper slideshow and parallax images
put Album/Collection-titles in the bottom as coloured bar


Can I show the Shop-products on my homepage?

In your CMS, go to Settings and change the root from 'Page' into 'Shop'.

Which Payment-module can I use?

Start an Mollie-Payment Account and copy your Account-Key in your CMS/webshop/Payment Methods / Mollie Payment.